Friday, July 24, 2009

african american jim

the ghouls came in
while i was coming
it felt nice
to stay inside
after your all done

i coughed at your shores
in the shallows
said goodnight to the werewolves
see where's i be
see the seas

the bluejay and cardinal float
across a wet river i'm passing
that could be we
in a divide or in the tide
lettuce see

Sunday, July 12, 2009

dream machine

a chance of purpose
for something of somewhere
or someplace who cares

about the things
that you are thinking
the peculiarality
is a young mans
game forever

through the window
from the hill
i nursed the magic


i punched the keys
with all of my necessary
everything came out
just like planned
except for everything
that was right
the moment was merging
and everything changed
even the _ain


the men all
be acting
at the

some girls right now

drawing with my fingers gently
on my mothers back
even though she's been gone
twenty five years

it'll never feel the same
especially, with this lovely girl
in my arms